The automobile industry is an integrated industry developed based on many peripheral industries and related technologies. In addition to the complex and precise control performance requirements for controllers, their environmental resistance and reliability are also extremely essential in the manufacturing process. During the body shell stamping process, mutual precision is required to ensure uniform thickness. The production line’s conveyor belt must operate smoothly and have good stability so that parts do not come loose during assembly. In the paint room, temperature control is very strict. Incorrect heating can cause paint defects. In the assembly area, reliable test fixtures and an easy-to-operate and stable human-machine interface are needed to assist people in assembly.


Food preparation methods are extended from the chef’s hands in the kitchen to automatic production equipment in the central kitchen. Cooking for the same taste and flavor as the base cooked by the chef can only be achieved by adjusting each production parameter and monitoring every detail with a stable controller. The dough rolling machine must work accurately and synchronously with many axes to roll the dough evenly. Container injection equipment must respond quickly to accurately control pump capacity. The heating system must be capable of precise temperature control to get the desired flavor. Then, the packaging machine will quickly wrap the food to ensure the freshness of the food ingredients is maintained.


Textile production can be carried out not only for sewing clothes. Through intricate layer-by-layer weaving and stacking techniques, it can also be made into some beautiful, picturesque multi-layered crafts. With the advancement of industrial automation, today, we can also create beautiful clothes using looms, something that previously only skilled tailors could do. Okay. Tangled fibers need to be loosened by rolling, beating, pulling and tearing. However, the controller must continue to operate stably by resisting noise and vibrations from complex environments. The weaving process depends on weaving the fibers very quickly. It has high performance and precision requirements for the controller. During the dyeing and finishing process, it is necessary to heat chemicals to mix and create color. Color fastness must be performed after dyeing. During this process, precise temperatures are needed to ensure the dye is firmly attached to the various materials.


Along with the popularity of cars, the pressure on traffic volume is increasing, causing time costs due to traffic congestion to constantly increase. Now, by collecting traffic flows at each location using sensors and sending them back to the traffic control center (TCC) for calculation, then by performing road control or signal control using controller based on the calculation results, we can effectively disperse traffic flow in real time, significantly reducing the social costs consumed by traffic congestion.


Regardless of the type of solar power, the more light energy captured per unit area, the more electrical energy that can be converted. However, the sun will move over time. As a result, higher energy conversion efficiency can only be achieved during a small portion of the day. With data about the sun’s azimuth angle at different seasons and times recorded to the controller, we can control the azimuth and elevation angle of the solar panel or sunlight-collecting mirror based on on another situation to track the path of the sun, achieving optimal power generation efficiency.


For electricity generation, the demand for it is often constant. The more electrical energy that is continuously generated from the generator, the greater the benefit. Therefore, wind turbine generator sets are often located in places with strong winds all year round. However, such continuous strong winds can also put the giant generator set at high risk. Therefore, by accurately monitoring various environmental factors with multiple sensors and by making controls such as fine-tuning rotor blade angle or protective shutdown using a controller, we can avoid these situations. effectively in case of accidents such as broken shafts. or overload, thereby reducing maintenance costs and optimizing power generation benefits.


In places with abundant rainfall, we can continuously convert potential energy into electrical energy. However, in most cases, a balance must be achieved between water use and electricity production. By reading the water level height from the sensor and receiving power demand data, the monitoring center calculates and evaluates the power generation operating time. During power generation, the opening/closing level of the water gate will be adjusted for feedback control based on the performance of the turbine generator. However, the governor of the turbine generator not only responds to the water gate signal but also receives information about the power demand to adjust the generating power. It also monitors the operating conditions of the turbine generator set and applies brakes promptly to avoid damage due to overload.


Nowadays buildings are getting taller and taller. Accurate positioning of high-speed elevators to each floor must be achieved by relying on the controller’s rapid calculation and control capabilities. Through the communication link between the controller of each elevator, the system can always monitor which floor the elevator is on and calculate the optimal travel route. Then, assign the most suitable elevator to reach the desired floor, achieving the goal of saving time and energy.


In a large building, a central air conditioning system is often used. Cool or warm air is generated from the central machine and then distributed to different floors and partitions. However, the actual temperature of each partition is not exactly the same as the target temperature, i.e. different intensities and amounts of cool/warm air must be distributed to another partition to achieve the target temperature placed. The central air conditioning system must calculate based on data sent from sensors in each partition. Then, based on the results, the system will adjust the output power appropriately and by adjusting the blower operation at each node with the controller, cool/warm air will be distributed. In doing so, the temperature requirements in each partition can be accurately met and energy consumption can also be reduced, achieving energy saving benefits.


In high-rise buildings, emergency exits are even limited. Therefore, the reliability of the fire suppression system is absolutely an important factor for the safety of the building. The controller at each node will continuously monitor data sent from the smoke detector and CO2 detector. The data will then be sent back to the central monitoring center. When the detector is activated, the controller will activate the sprinkler system and at the same time quickly send an alarm message to the central monitoring center, from there the warning will be notified to the entire area. Alarm messages will also be sent to the local fire department for assistance as it is directly linked to the central monitoring center. Through the coordination and collaboration of the hierarchy, it will not only respond quickly to emergency situations but also increase system reliability, increasing safety.


Saving energy is not just a trend. It is also a way to reduce costs, especially for a large building with a huge electrical circuit system. Special energy savings are an important way to save big on your electricity bill. Through infrared sensors, the controller can turn on the lights when someone approaches. Based on everyone’s working hours, the controller will cut off power to the air conditioning system and circuit system at predetermined times, avoiding energy consumption outside of working hours.


While our society is increasingly developing, we also often face some difficulties. Among these, air pollution is one of the environmental difficulties that cannot be avoided in the short term. Therefore, how to avoid going outdoors when the air quality is not good has become a temporary countermeasure. Along with drifting clouds, air pollution is not just a local problem for one city but it is actually a common problem for several cities. Air quality sensors are located within a city or between cities. By regularly recording data with the controller and upgrading the data to the cloud database using a wireless network, the central control center can perform analysis and calculations based on the captured data. collected at each time point and from each sampling location. Therefore, joint air quality monitoring and forecasting can be achieved across cities.


With the trend of modern agriculture saving scale, farm management can no longer be done by labor supervision as before. With the installation of sensors for sulfur dioxide, ammonia, light intensity, etc. On the farm, we can regularly record data with the controller and update the data to the internet of things (IoT) wirelessly. Using a mobile device, owners can single-handedly monitor operating conditions across all of their farms and change farm environmental parameters in real time based on conditions. different weather conditions, farming losses due to rapid changes in temperature can be avoided. weather.


Environmental pollution is closely related to people’s livelihoods. Among them, water pollution cannot be ignored because it affects our daily lives. The impact on the scope of water pollution can be as small as in ditches and on water supply systems that serve people’s livelihoods and even on marine pollution. However, how to effectively and continuously monitor the condition of water sources as well as take immediate corrective measures when pollution occurs is the ultimate purpose and value in pollution monitoring. water contamination. Because the wireless network cannot be limited to one area, controllers and sensors can be deployed in areas far from water sources. Additionally, with IoT, data collected from each place can be merged and uploaded to the cloud. The Pollution Prevention Center can then perform comprehensive real-time data monitoring. Thus, the difficult problem of difficult monitoring in remote areas can be overcome, building a more comprehensive real-time pollution prevention network.